How does grassland vegetation recover from years of nitrogen additions?

Depositions of ammonia and nitrogen oxides have heavily increased since the mid 1900’s, and nitrogen additions in grasslands have shown to affect grass biomass, soil pH and nutrient availability. But how do these grasslands recover if nitrogen additions stop, and for how long does the added nitrogen stay in the systems? Read More …

Effekt av tørke i kystlynghei

Kystlynghei er ein trua naturtype som står ovenfor store utfordringar knytt til klimaendringar. Dei siste åra har vi alle fått kjenne på ekstremvær som lengre periodar med tørke, men ein art som virkelig har fått kjenne på det er kystlyngheia si nøkkelart; Røsslyng. Ved å delta på prosjektet så er du med på å finne ut kva vi kan forvente skje langs heile norskekysten dei neste åra som følge av ekstremvær. Read More …

Domestic grazing animals as landscape engineers: Effects on biodiversity and ecosystem service provisioning in Nordhordland

How does livestock management impact biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services? How do different grazing regimes on summer dairy farms shape landscape heterogeneity and connectivity and how do they affect pollinator communities?
In this multidisciplinary project we investigate the relationships between human and nature in the scope of developing a sustainable management of land-use and natural resources in the Nordhordland Biosphere area – Norway’s only Biosphere Reserve in UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme. Join us if you want practical experience in common field- and lab-methods in applied ecology and to be a part of an ambitious and enthusiastic team! Read More …

Climate change impacts on alpine plants

What will happen when the alpine regions in Norway become warmer? What will happen to the existing alpine plants when new species from the lowlands colonize the mountains? Do you want to be a part of answering these questions, and do field work in beautiful mountain regions in Norway? Join us! Read More …