Tag: seeds

Wild Foods as an ecosystem service in Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

We are looking for motivated students who want to work on an exciting new project on sustainability and wild foods in the new UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Nordhordland.
You will be part of field work where we are conducting ecological assessments to evaluate the potential to supply wild foods in the region. We are conducting mushroom and berry surveys in different habitat types across the municipality of Alver from mid-August until mid-October.
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Karbonfanger eller klimabombe? Felt- og labarbeid

Norsk natur er full av karbon, og det aller meste ligg under bakken. Kaldt og vått klima forsinkar nedbrytninga av daude plantar, dyr og mikroorganismar, og organisk materiale har hopa seg opp sidan siste istid. No endrar klimaet seg, og fleire stadar ser vi at naturen går frå å vere ein karbonfangar til å bli ei klimabombe. Skjer dette også rett utanfor stovedøra vår i Bergen?… Read more →

Nature in the lives of People

How does nature contribute to lives of people in the new UNESCO biosphere reserve of Nordhordland? We are touring the region asking local communities to fill out a survey telling us what they value about nature.… Read more →

Seeds in a changing world

What kind of seeds to plants need to have to survive in the mountains in Norway?Does that change is snow depth or
length of snow cover? These are some of the things you can help figure out in this project.… Read more →