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Do you need help during field- or labwork? Would you like to share your experience? bioSPIRE puts you in contact with younger students whom you help by giving valuable, practical experience in biology.

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Read what our trainees have to say about bioSPIRE, the project they have been working on and about getting practical experience at BIO!


Direct and indirect climate impacts on the biodiversity and Functioning of the UNDERground ecosystem

Alpine grasslands harbour a vast biodiversity and contribute to the terrestrial carbon store. Climate change is predicted to cause shifts in plant community composition in alpine environments. These shifts are likely to also change the functioning of the belowground system and affect soil organisms as well as the interactions between the aboveground and belowground components of the ecosystem. We need to understand the effect of changed climate in order to protect the alpine grassland systems.… Read more →

Experimental evolution in guppies

Do you want to fish guppies in experimental populations? Do you want to see how their life histories respond to fishing-induced selection? Do you want to get hands-on measuring fish and determining their sex and maturation stage?… Read more →