Plant functional traits in alpine grasslands in Western Norway

Global change affects populations, communities, and ecosystems across the world. Alpine plant communities are affected more because climate is changing more rapidly than elsewhere. Plant functional traits are a powerful approach to predict how plant communities will respond to warmer temperature, higher precipitation or change nitrogen addition in the future. Read More …

Diversity analysis of pollinators in Austrheim, Hordaland

There is a lot of missing data on insects in Norway. This data gap makes it hard to know how stable populations of pollinators actually are. In order to detect any possible decreases, we need to map species and monitor any changes in population densities and diversity. By joining this project, you will be contributing with exactly this, which is incredibly important work! Read More …

How does grassland vegetation recover from years of nitrogen additions?

Depositions of ammonia and nitrogen oxides have heavily increased since the mid 1900’s, and nitrogen additions in grasslands have shown to affect grass biomass, soil pH and nutrient availability. But how do these grasslands recover if nitrogen additions stop, and for how long does the added nitrogen stay in the systems? Read More …

Ekstremtørke i kystlynghei

Kystlynghei er ein trua naturtype som står ovenfor store utfordringar knytt til klimaendringar. Dei siste åra har vi alle fått kjenne på ekstremvær som lengre periodar med tørke, men ein art som virkelig har fått kjenne på det er kystlyngheia si nøkkelart; Røsslyng. Ved å delta på prosjektet så er du med på å finne ut kva vi kan forvente skje langs heile norskekysten dei neste åra som følge av ekstremvær. Read More …

Investigating the Role of Stress Granules in Ageing and Senescence

The Grellscheid research group aims to expand the understanding of how stress granules interact with other potential partners in senescence (as a model of ageing) and the biological significance of this interaction. As a bioSPIRE student, you will have the opportunity to gain experience in a wide range of molecular biology techniques including, western blotting, qPCR, immunofluorescence, live-imaging, mammalian cell culture, molecular cloning, and genomic editing (CRISPR). Read More …

Wild Foods as an ecosystem service in Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

We are looking for motivated students who want to work on an exciting new project on sustainability and wild foods in the new UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Nordhordland.
You will be part of field work where we are conducting ecological assessments to evaluate the potential to supply wild foods in the region. We are conducting mushroom and berry surveys in different habitat types across the municipality of Alver from mid-August until mid-October.
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