Climate change impacts on alpine plants

What will happen when the alpine regions in Norway become warmer? What will happen to the existing alpine plants when new species from the lowlands colonize the mountains? Do you want to be a part of answering these questions, and do field work in beautiful mountain regions in Norway? Join us! Read More …

Effects of supplemented water on mating behavior and reproductive success of female bean beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus.

The females of species Callosobruchus maculatus, bean beetles, are polyandrous, which receives nuptial gifts from males during the copulations. In this project you will handle the bean beetles at close up and follow them through their life cycle to observe the effects of supplemented water on mating behaviour and reproductive success of female bean beetles. Read More …

Indirect effects of climate change on alpine plant communities.

What will happen when the alpine regions in Norway become warmer? What will happen to the existing alpine plants when new species from the lowlands colonize the mountains? Do you want to be a part of answering these questions, and do field work in beautiful mountain regions in Norway? Join us! Project description INCLINE is Read More …

Frøpredasjon: Feltarbeid i fjellene på Vestlandet!

Hva skjer med økosystemet i alpine strøk når det blir varmere og våtere? Klimaendringene påvirker samspillet mellom arter både direkte og indirekte, deriblant trofiske interaksjoner mellom dyr som fugler, gnagere og insekter, og planter. Hvordan kan vi ved undersøkelser av frøpredasjon få en bedre forståelse for disse komplekse samspillene? Sett av en uke i sommer til å undersøke Read More …

Taxonomy of deep-sea sponges of the North Atlantic

Want to know more about the species and habitats of the deeper parts of our oceans? Then this internship is for you! Prepare to be mesmerized with the beauty and intricacy of sponges (and their spicules). Project description  As part of the EU-funded project SponGES (see our website: we are trying to understand the Read More …