Do you want to see a lot of colourful tropical fish? And also learn how to identify and measure them so we get reliable data on small-scale artisanal fisheries? Well, you’re in luck!
In small-scale artisanal fisheries a wide range of gears is used, which results in catches consisting of individuals of many different species and sizes. We need to identify those species and measure their lengths, in order to determine the selectivity of the specific gears and the overall fishing pattern. This helps us understand the fishing pressure on different parts of the ecosystem.
Your job will be to analyse pictures of a wide range of tropical fish that have been taken on Zanzibar. This includes identifying the species as well as measuring the length of the individuals using ImageJ. You will then transfer the data into an Excel file so it can be further analysed.
Starting date/period: January 15th 2023 – March 1st 2023
The project involves: working with data
You will gain experience in identifying fish species and will learn much about the catch composition of a tropical small-scale fishery. On top of that you will learn how to work with a widely used image processing software and how to organize length data in a data frame.
Involvement: Work hours are very flexible and can be discussed based on availability (maximum 40 h per student).
Interested by this project? Need more info? Contact Max Ratusinski (
Project number: 045